Jim Iversen
Strategic Advisor, Coach, & Board Member

Work results in bringing out the best in individuals and executive teams.  Through active listening, strategy coaching, and cultural coaching, he is able to help others see what is possible, and then aids them in building a plan for success.  These plans Jim’s are anchored with process and metrics, to track, acknowledge, and celebrate the performance improvements.  Jim gains great satisfaction in seeing others succeed.

Jim believes long-term success is grounded in building an environment of trust and open & honest communication.  He approaches every situation with a listen and learn attitude.  He works with individuals to build trust and helps them identify and move beyond their blind spots, which often hold them back professionally.  This effort creates the space for consensus building among the executive team. 

Working with individuals and executive teams, Jim creates an alignment between individual’s skills and the company’s challenges.  With executive team alignment, leadership becomes a driving force to touch, move, and inspire all of the stakeholders toward a common goal.  Stakeholder alignment results in tremendous satisfaction and value creation.

Defining what is possible (Vision), building the roadmap to success (Strategy), and anchoring the leadership skills, he is able to touch, move, and inspire others toward a shared goal.  Recent engagements have included working with CEO’s and COO’s of Supply Chain, Technology, Energy, & Financial Services Companies on cultural and strategic development.

Jim holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Diplomas from New York University in Systems Analysis and Investment Banking.  He has attended numerous executive level courses in Leadership, Finance, Strategy, and Mergers & Acquisitions at Columbia and Harvard Universities.  He has been an active member of the Young President’s Organization for 17 years.


Current Board Involvement:

Mincron Corporation – Chairman of the Board – Provider of Software & Business Services Solutions, www.mincron.com.

W&H Systems – Board Member – Provider of Automated Supply Chain Solutions, www.whsystems.com.


LinkedIn Profile: